Friday, February 27, 2009

Hello from Martine!

Hello all!

I'm Martine, one of Kelly's high school friends.

We happened to reconnect last year through other high school acquaintances and although we hadn't seen each other in 21 years, we were both truly happy to reconnect! We found we had many things in common; I'm also a nurse, currently working in Calgary. When Kelly told me about the PHP, she was so passionate about it, right away I felt the desire to join and help.

This will be my first trip to Panama, and my first experience doing volunteer work in a foreign country. Preparing for this trip made me realize all the work and devotion involved in getting ourselves and our stuff ready.

I am both excited and anxious to get there and experience another culture. I already feel this will be a life changing experience and I feel blessed to be able to join the Panama Health Project. I will learn a lot for sure and plan to share our adventure with all of you who will follow us throught this blog. Please feel free to leave comments!!!



  1. Hi Kelly, Marlynne, Martine,

    We're with you in spirit, praying for you in your wonderful work. Blog is a great idea!

    Fare well,

    Brian Patterson

  2. WOW Martine what a great experience you will live! I'm going to follow your adventure each day. Enjoy every moment of it cause c'est une expérience qu'on ne vit qu'une fois dans sa vie!
    Love you,
    Val xox
