Kelly and Marlynne travelled to Philadelphia for Alan's funeral. I don't know much about him but it's irrelevant. I know enough to be inspired. For those who don't know, Alan was Kelly and Marlynne's family. Kelly has been doing work with him in Colon since 1988. I believe Alan was in Colon for about 40 years and has inspired Kelly to start the Panama Health Project.
He knew a lot of people (if not everyone!) and touched so many of them at church and at the prison where he was visiting inmates regularly.
It seems like everywhere he went, he had a positive impact on people.
When we were in Panama in March, Father Alan could not be with us as he was injured. But everywhere we went in Colon, people had a warm welcome for us, knowing we were coming to pursue some of the volunteer work Alan was doing. I never met Alan so it was quite impressive to constantly hear positive comments regarding this man.
I can only share a fraction of the good Alan brought to Colon. So many people would have something positive to say about him. At the prison, I heard an inmate say that meeting Father Alan was like seeing and feeling the inner light- la luz. I heard others say he helped them through very tough times with kind words and constant encouragement. It also appears he had a contagious laugh that would make anyone smile, even the grumpiest ones! His greatest gift is that he made people feel important when he was in their presence.
It is comforting to know there are such kind and devoted people in our world. I wish that everyone who has been touched by Alan can transform this good into something greater and spread the sparkle of generosity Alan had in his heart.
The people of Colon and anyone touched by Father Alan are in our prayers during this difficult time.
May God bless this wonderful friend.